
16 Νοε 2021




Words and terms in the text that appear in the glossary found at the end, will have an asterisk (*) next to them for quick referencing. 

The physiology of the human (Anthropos*) is essentially a being of energy, living within an environment that is filled with energetic frequencies, radiations, spectrums etc. The human, as a being of energy, is impacted and in turn, impacts this energetic environment based on the Nomoteleia* agreement of their own ontology. 

The mechanism of communication with their environment is to employ these environmental frequencies by using the senses of their Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) and their Pineal Gland (Epiphysis). This activates the brain of the recipient who accepts these frequencies as information. 

This is the perfect mechanism for human consciousness. However, for the majority of people today, this mechanism, for the most part, malfunctions only utilising their five senses of the Pituitary Gland and even these at minimal function. 

Thought is a huge source of energy that resides within the functioning of the human brain and the human being plays an active and energetic role in their environment through such means. Through this transmission of energy, the human being affects their environment because the frequency of their thoughts is imprinted in their visible environment. This occurs from the smallest particle in all forms: physical, liquid, air; even reaching the vast foundations of the universe of their invisible environment.

It is clearly understood that the consciousness of the human being increases when their thoughts are sent to planes within their Nomoteleia existence. This is because the transport medium of their thoughts is two-way, which results in the human also being able to receive frequencies from the plane which receives their thoughts. 

If humans acknowledge the Primordial Substance* of their ancestral code which contains the huge creative events of Theogony and Cosmogony, even reaching the causality of the imparticipable* and primordial mind of Arrito En* (The Supreme Being of Light), they will also become aware of the Nomoteleia and unique environment that receives their thoughts, resulting in conscious communication. 

This conscious communication enables the human being to become aware of the energetic environment, which increases their strength, their existence, their knowledge, their self-knowledge and their connection with all the parts of their Soma*. 

By sending their thoughts, the human being energetically strengthens the environment they have been integrated into and live within, and the result is the sequential increase of the current energetic level of the entire Nomoteleia environment of the human being. This energetic connection occurs through the invocations (Epicleses) by the human being towards their environment that houses their Primordial Substance. 

Thousands of years before the appearance of dogmas, the Ellene* humans communicated with their visible and invisible environment through the “Ecclesia of the Municipality” or the “Apella”. There would be complete attunement of many individual energies for the creation of a more powerful communicative medium, a more effective result and a stronger approach and connection with the compatible frequencies of their Primordial Substance. This would constantly increase their consciousness throughout the duration of the procedure. 

It is this connection the vile priesthoods who insult the Nomoteleia of the human being with acts of great hubris against creative design and continuous interference, try to break and redirect with deceit, lies and a virtual reality within planes that are outside the Primordial Substance and is infectious for the human being. 

When the human being is within Nomoteleia, their energy promotes their consciousness as well as their environment and strengthens them energetically.

Contrastingly, when the energy of the human being is channelled outside of Nomoteleia, the energy itself creates a confined environment for the human being steered towards existential lethe/oblivion*, and this intervenes in every aspect of their life and throughout their entire environment. 

The destination of human thought has been replaced from the environment of their Primordial Substance to an environment that is hostile towards them. This is created by the human beingsthemselves when they attune their thoughts through religious proceedings and rituals corresponding to churches – which imitate the true human custom – and where these thoughts are focused upon sculptures and icons of deceitful and non-existent figures who call themselves “Kyrie”, “saints”, “pious” etc. 

Due to the great strength of human energy, the focused thoughts of the humans towards these iconic, fake and fraudulent figures create energetic beings that feed off the humans themselves, and in turn, feed the human with polluted and vile energies which lower their existential position, killing them and their visible and invisible environment. This holds them prisoner within oblivion, energetic contamination and living conditions of captivity, keeping them far from the truth and the reality of their existence. 

It is within the Nomoteleia of the physiology of the human to communicate with the environment of their Primordial Substance which places them within their true and real ontology. 

The attunement of thoughts through invocations (Epicleses) within the Primordial Substance is the only pathway that connects them with their true environment that will ascend them to all levels of their incarnations. It is the only pathway that will remove them from their conscious death and oblivion, placing them within the truth of their existence. 

It is the only pathway of recovering their self-knowledge, their awareness and integration within their visible and invisible environment. 

It is the only pathway where the energy of the human being strengthens their environment, which simultaneously strengthens them. This transforms all infectious energies created by humans themselves, into energies of Nomoteleia ascendance. This means: the strengthening of energies that are included within their Primordial Substance and the simultaneous elimination of any apostate* energies from their environment and from their consciousness. 

ARTEMIS SORRAS 31 – 07 – 2017



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